Monday 9 January 2012

The Zombie Diaries - Part 5 - The Thin Line

*All speech has been translated from Russian 
The first item is a order sent to army basses all over Russia. 
Because of the recent epidemic of the unknown virus the government has ordered the set up a line of defence against the infected heading towards russia through Europe. So the military will dispatch you to our border and you will form a line across the continent and hold it till a cure is found. See included information for where you will be dispatched. 
*An Interview conducted with the only known veteran of the russian dead defence. Currently living in a psychiatric ward in the only know siberian settlement.  
The dead defence followed the old russian border almost perfectly starting in the most Northern part that bordered estonia then going south going through other countries to maintain the straight line and also cutting out part of our own. Then it came to the north east tip of the black sea. The line went directly east from there until it met the Caspian sea and thats was it. We only protected ourselves for Europe and even that didn't work out, we never thought it would spread in asia so quickly, or that there would be infected coming from Alaska or Canada. Pretty soon after the army moved into place along the line it was seen how they were spread to thin, conscription was brought in, only in Moscow at first but after the promise the army would be the first to get the cure when it was ready many sighed up without hesitation. 
But the whole thing was ridicules I remember the darkness pressed against my eyes, the rain and the mud was all I could see. I don't know how I was suppose to protect my country like that, they’d promise big flood light but they were always late on. If a hoard of dead came at us we would be finished, it’s not like they hate the rain, or water, those stories about infected rising from the black sea might not be true but I'm damn glad I wasn’t on that front. I paced my section of the trench for about half an hour, it was up to who ever was in  charge of there section of line on how to guard it, we decided to build bunkers but it was slow going, supplies were thin and we have only just enough men to guard and build at the same time. Some parts of the line had simple chain link fences while others have barricades made from anything imaginable, cars, houses, whole towns converted into a long stretch of wall that went on for ever, I saw the picture on the news when I got of duty sometimes. 
All we had was a trench for the foundations of what should be a concrete house, it seems a little permanent to me, this amazing multipurpose building that will make are line impassable by anything. When Europe got quiet, in those days when it stayed there and we thought it had stopped, all of russia got tense, we knew there were millions of dead in there, helicopters and planes have flown over places like Berlin and Paris, they say that they wander aimlessly around the streets. I remember them talking about the groups that survived in there though, the refugee thats made it out and the bunker in london that was trying to make a cure.
I remember it all kicker of just as the lights switched, they illuminated the entire field on front of us and it was just in time cause a torso was crawling towards me. When it saw the lights it began to crawl frantically, I still wonder how it lost it’s legs, someone probably should have done a better job of finishing it of. To my left someone impatient finished it off. It slumped down not far from the line, I may have been examining it a bit to long cause it had gotten pretty close. The rest of that night was pretty quiet until it got to dawn. Just as I was beginning to get light I remember I saw it, in the distance was a hill and just on the crest was a swarm of undead. Im not talking about a few dozen there were fucking hundreds of thousands of the bastards. 
For the first time I understood why people called it the walking storm. You see it in the distance at first, it was like the earth was moving, like a land slide. They were running, stampeding, towards the line, there was no way we were ever going to stand up to them, and then the storm hits you, but I wish it was a storm. Several people started firing into the horde, only a few fell, the trained soldiers, were managing head shots whereas the civilian  army just fired blindly into the mass and most managed to hit but no where lethal, they only hit due to the sheer mass of bodies of course. 
*He looks of into the distance for a moment wide eyes like being back there. 
My commanding officer, was grabbed by one of them and then they all piled on, I remember the look of cheer terror in his eyes as they ripped each limb of his body and starting chewing on them, I managed to get him in the head, I'm sure he appreciated it but I still wake up at night thinking… what if that was me. 
*He shudders at the thought of the pain. 
I remember that I didn't shoot one bullet into those thing that night, I only killed him.  As soon as they were upon as simply ran, I’m not sure whether I did the right thing but I know I wouldn’t have made a difference. About two minuets after jets flew over head, they fired into the hoard, I’m sure it helped but it’s not like there human, the ones that get totally vaporised would be gone for sure but they ones who got just burt or an arm blown of, there still walking now. 
*He looks out the window as if to see them approaching now. 
I ran and ran and ran. Got on the evacuation trail into siberia. Lucky I guess, damn lucky. 
*He looks at the scars on his arms, with a look of curiosity, almost wondering how he got them. He asks who I am and what I'm doing here. 

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