Friday 21 June 2013

Words on Pixels (Or Words on Paper)

Making words isn't hard, making sense is.
It's hard to write about how you feel, because 
emotion can't be expressed within lines and curves. 
Maths is easy. It's precise, it's harder to go wrong. 
But words. Oh no, totally different story. Pun intended
because I'm a poet. There's a thing, I can't do something 
by accident anymore. I can see the techniques I use, 
and then I know I've done it wrong because I read it, and
it's not what I want. But hey, words and the best thing 
we've got, so we should all appreciate them. Right? 
But what do I know, I'm just a writer who has nothing to 
write about. I'm not even sure if this is a poem or not.   

1 comment:

  1. this is so easy to relate to Tom!Especially for someone who finds words even to day to day life isn't expressive enough so then having to eventually resort to gestures! Different from your other stuff.

    It depicts how difficult it is to write expressively correctly whilst also allowing it to make sense.

    But I totally get this piece it's clearly of course about the collapse of the British empire XD
