Monday 31 October 2011

Pressing the pause button

So it's the end of october and I thought it would be a good time to look back and everything that has happened recently. I want to say my life has been like a roller coaster but that image never made sense to me cause people talk about the downs being bad but there the funnest part of any roller coaster. But my life is just as mad I guess nowadays.

Life seems to be throwing stuff at me faster than I can catch nowadays and I'm trying to juggle while a catch and then if i drop something it's like i get thrown to extra things to add to the mass I'm already holding. In reality I wish it was a juggling act cause that would make things so much easier. Another thing I have found myself doing a lot nowadays is having to cut the crap in my life, it seems harsh but that what it's like nowadays. I mean it's the simpler things really in life that are gone now, I can't sit down to TV with the intention of watching anything i can find got to use that time more wisely.

So something else that's changing lately is friendships, everyone else I know has a life thats constantly changing and there are people I see today that I might never see again. But then I have to look at people sometimes and wonder why I'm friends with them. Maybe I'm just being kinda business like but sometimes once a person is out of your life it becomes so much better, but at least i hope i make the right decision on people.

So I've been writing a lot lately but nothing seems any good, but I'm hoping to have a post ready soon that's descriptive and stuff. But also wanna start doing other stuff on here like photography and stuff, thats why I made the bucket list tab cause its different. Anyway watch this space people cause stuff is happening.

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