Friday 30 September 2011

Keeping your cool

Ok so I'm having a really good week but now I can tell someone is really trying to get to me and make me snap so what do I do to stop things from getting worse? Well i don't know at the moment but I'm going to sit here and figure out how.

So what I just need was put on my favourite album but I'm still shaking with rage while typing and all I want is for them to stop but even as I'm typing there still doing it, I can't block them out and I don't want them to realise that it's getting to me and I'm soon going to snap and do something i'll regret. Right next option is to try and get someone to stop them but i don't want to snap so going to be careful and think about what i say.

Ok that was false hope as the person I was thinking of isn't online, still shaking slightly and i want to hit something but i know better and outbursts like that aren't going to help anything. Keeping cool isn't easy and I feel like the anger is growing inside me like a Tuma but I can't let it out. Ok now they just did something that seems rather nice, unless theres hidden subtlety to it that I don't know about. Ok taking deep breaths seems to help and theres me thinking that was just a cliche. Really trying to control myself now, i don't know what i'd do if i saw this person in real life and they we're saying the same sort of things, cause i know that my anger would get the better of me and i'd crack like glass. Then i couldn't tell you want'd happen. I might strike out cause it's been known to happen, or might i might go into a massive rage which would only spiral outwards from there.

So i guess I'm cool now, and it seems that just ignoring it and distracting myself with this was the best thing to do. Ok I know it's been a while since a post on here but i promise to but some proper stuff up soon, october is a month of change and all that.

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