Sunday 20 November 2011

Why? Why'd you think?

Someone asked me what I'm writing this for, random cause I thought it was obvious, I write cause I want my feelings and everything that’s in my head, every mood, every idea, every passing emotion, good, bad or extreme to be preserved. Cause I want to be able to look back on all this and see what life used to be like, and see what a nut job i used to be, or I might be even worse and I might see how sane I used to be. Just goes right into the idea that life could go in any direction really and nobody really know's where we going to end up. The smartest person I know might end up going to the wrong party getting drunk and nine months later theres another human with half his genes or the most unlikely person might come up with the best business idea and end up richer than I can ever hope to be. 

Right now at this point in life more or less everyone I know is on the same level, just hoping to get through A-Level or GCSEs like I am. But then what happens when we're all let out into the big bad world? Well I can't even imagine how to answer that one cause anyone could go anyway. I know where I want to be but I have no idea where I'm going to end up. And that just about sums the whole thing up doesn't it, everyone knows where they'd like to be but nobody, however sure you are, knows where they are going to end up. For some people they might end up in a place better than that which they imagined and some may end up in a worse place. 

So why am I writing this? Well cause where ever I end up and however I get there I know that the Journey is going to be amazing, cause if I don't have an amazing life then whats the point to trying to get anywhere. 

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